Sunday, May 21, 2006

Highway of Rememberance

I am officially finished with my first year of seminary, and I am so glad I have the summer to look forward to. It was a great year and I learned so much, but I must say I am ready to relax for a little while. This time last year, I didn't know if I would make it through the whole year. I had no idea what this year would be like, nor did I have any idea how I would make it financially through the school year without a full time job.

I don't know why I am amazed at how God made repeated provisions for me through the year. I mean, He owns everything, yet I stand amazed at how my financial needs were met! I found myself once again on bended knee asking of the Lord to provide a summer job for me so that I can save up for fall tuition. For a minute there, I was starting to get worried.

I kept getting online, sending my resume out, e-mailing people, calling people, yet no one would call me back! I was really getting discouraged and fear was beginning to set in, until I stopped myself and began to pray. This is how my prayer went,

"Lord, I'm not going to worry about finding a job. I know you will provide for me. But, Lord, I am asking boldly that I find a job that I can begin on May 22nd, and that is not south of 6-35 (a highway in Dallas)."

After I prayed, I decided I was not going to worry. Well, later that day I received a phone call from a company I had inquired about in early April. They asked me to come in the next day to discuss the job.

I made my way over to the job site the next day, and as I drove up, I just had to chuckle at the Lord! From the office window I can see 6-35! The office is located north of the highway...10 yards from the highway!

So, not only did the Lord answer my prayer by providing for me a job, but each day when I drive up I will be able to say I don't work south of 6-35! That highway will serve as a rememberance for me that God listens to my prayers and cares for me! Isn't that funny?

Throughout the Old Testament the Israelites had many physical memorials to remember God's faithfulness and provision. Whether it be the Red Sea, the site of the Exodus, or Mt. Sinai, where God spoke to His people by the giving of the Ten Commandments, these sites and others were to call back to the attention of the Israelites the faithfulness of a God who was among them and cared deeply for them.

And for me, He gave 6-35. If that huge slab of concrete highway could speak for the voice of God, I believe it would say,

"Trust me."

What things has God given you to recall of His faithfulness? Think about those things and let them speak to you peace and rest of a Father who longs for His children to trust Him.

You may be saying, I don't have any physical thing I can recall God's faithfulness for. Yes, my friend, you do. An often quoted verse is John 3:16:

"For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son..."

If the Lord never gave me or you another thing on this earth, it would be enough because He gave His Son! Jesus Christ's life and His death on the Cross serve as a symbol of God's love for the world. Surely, the Cross cries out as well,

"Trust me."


Anonymous said...

A true display of his Love and Grace. WOW!
Aman to that......XUXUXU

Lyn-z said...

it's your fist posting, natasha!! thanks & visit back!

Wendy said...

That was very encouraging to me!We have had a hard time financial with school too! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it refreshing to find out that God has a sense of humor about Him? Indeed, prayers are answered and right on time.

Lyn-z said...

julie, i KNOW...God is soooooooo funny like that!!! I guess I am hard-headed! :)