Wednesday, February 25, 2009

1 Month, 3 Baby Girls!

This is Baby Kelsey Evans. She is the daughter of our friends Jonathan & Kanika. I went to Baylor with them & can't believe they have a baby now!
Baby Noelle Nelson--This is my college roomie, Michelle's 2nd little girl. Her first looks just like her husband, but this baby looks like Michelle!

This is niece #5 in the Bolton family! Sweet baby Dayna Bolton was only 5lbs 7oz when she was born. She was the tiniest baby I'd ever seen! She's so sweet & beautiful!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Technical Difficulties

.....I know, I know. It's been 2 weeks since the inauguration & I still have not posted the pics! It's coming, I promise! Hang in there with me! We had so many pictures to upload, we ran out of space on our personal computer.

Check back in a day or so!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Two in Six Million

In about four hours we will leave for the airport to fly off to D.C. We are looking forward to the opportunity to attend the 2009 inauguration of Barack Obama. I have never been to the capital, so I'm looking forward to all the sight-seeing! It's going to be cold, so we've got our snow boots, thermals, & heavy coats.

We will be about two in six million attending! That's a lot of people, & we almost backed out of this trip. I'm glad we decided to just go for it. We will get to witness history in the making in our country, and be able to pass the memories down to our children one day.

Check back in several days for pics & stories! Bon Voyage!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Day 365!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We're Celebrating...

Faith and Finances

Did you know there are more verses about money in the Bible than any other subject? God cares about how we spend money, how we save it, how we give it, and our overall view of it.

Faith and finances go together, they are not seperate.

When Delario and I got married, we immediately knew our money needed a makeover! Unfortunately, in college (and after) we both made some unwise financial decisions, which followed us into our marriage. I wish I would have taken the wise counsel when I was single to pay off debt...instead, I went shopping!

They say more than any other subject, money can cause the most strife in a marriage. It's true, it can.....and it does, when you have not learned how to be kingdom-minded when it comes to money. If we would only trust God and follow His lead in our finances, we would save ourselves a lot of trouble.

We knew the Lord was ready for us to get serious about our money when we got the book, "Total Money Make-Over" by Dave Ramsey, in the mail as a wedding gift six months after we got married! We carefully read the book, and got started reducing our debt. I'm happy to announce at the end of this year, we will have paid off more than $20k in debt! That's a lot of money, and a lot of sacrifice!

But, it has been so freeing! God wants us to be free in all areas of our lives-even our finances! Are you financially free? Don't know where to start? No worries. Here's how we did it:

  • We listed all debt from the least amount to the greatest amount, and began paying off our debt from the smallest debt owed and worked our way up to the top.

  • Double up on payments when possible

  • We made a budget everytime we got paid, allocating every single penny, being careful not to wastefully spend

  • Remain faithful in paying your will stretch your faith, but God is faithful to provide all your needs! We promise!

  • Try to tithe to yourself as well. This is called the 10-10-80 method (tithe church 10%, yourself 10%, and pay bills & living expenses off the 80% left)

It doesn't matter how much or how little you make, God wants us to be faithful stewards with what He has given us. Our goal for 2009 is to save more money and give more money. As we pay off the debts, we are able to give to ministries, family, missionaries, etc. In the book of Acts, the first Christians went without a need in the Body. Wouldn't it be nice if we got back to that philosophy of giving?

So, what are you waiting for? Do you have the faith to give over your finances to the Lord? Ask for the Lord's wisdom in this matter. I trust He will speak! I leave you with this verse I read just this morning during my quiet time with the Lord:

"Of what use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to get wisdom?"

Proverbs 17:16

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Anti-Christ?

I've avoided blogging about this topic, but I just can't keep quiet about it any longer. It all began about 5 months ago when a white co-worker of mine suggested that Obama might be the anti-Christ. I was quite shocked to hear this allegation, but just assummed it was one opinion of one person.

Then, as the election drew closer, and Obama began to narrow in the lead, I began hearing this allegation of the anti-Christ more frequently from primarily white, conservative Christians.

Let the record be shown here, as a Christian I do not agree with all of Obama's politics, but I did vote for him. Proud of it. Not ashamed. Yes, I still love Jesus. (Last time I checked Christ was not the leader of either party, but He is Head of the Church!)

I was at a Christmas dinner last night when someone "jokingly" said something about our new president being the anti-Christ. I believe her statement only became a joke when she looked over at me and realized there was a black woman at the dinner table. Oops! I guess that wouldn't have been the right time to announce to my white Christian friends my husband and I are going to Obama's inaguration on January 20, 2009?

Seems to me many white Christians who think Obama may be the anit-Christ don't like him because he does not fit into their little box of what a "Christian President" should look like. I guess George W. Bush did? Not quite. Just two nights ago on Nightline, in an interview GWB said he does not believe the Bible is a literal text and that the same God Christians pray to is the same God Muslim's and every other religion pray to. Really? I thought the Christian God was the Triunal God? Doesn't that make Him distinct?

I digress...

My pastor, Dr. Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, who is considered a conservative evangelical preacher, and very well respected throughout the nation as a Bible scholar and teacher has been invited to speak at the Inaguration Prayer Breakfast next month. I don't think Tony Evans would risk his reputation speaking there if he thought Obama was the anti-Christ! (Disclaimer: I am not suggesting Evans voted for him...I have no idea how he voted)

Instead of spreading rumors and speculations of Obama being the anti-Christ, I encourage all of us to pray for him. Isn't that what scripture challenges us to do for our government leaders?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Who's birthday is it anyway?

Well, the holiday season has officially been kicked off with Thanksgiving being a week ago. I hope all had a wonderful time giving thanks and eating turkey and getting stuffed with stuffing!

One can barely catch their breath before looking up and it's already December and the Christmas countdown has begun!

I love Christmas.

The decorations.

The music.

The festivities.

The food.

It is so tempting to let all of the extra sights and traditions of Christmas distract us from what Christmas is really all about: A Birthday Party for Jesus!

I work in a local elementary school in the community where I work, and yesterday while coloring a picture of Santa Clause, my co-worker asked the kids, "So who's birthday do we celebrate on Christmas?" They all just sat around looking at each other, and one kid confidently yelled out, "Santa!"

Wow. Santa. Really?

They seriously sat there for a minute not knowing what we were talking about. So, we told them during Christmas we celebrate Jesus' birthday. The sweet kids then said, "Ohhhhhhhh!"

It was such a startling moment for me. So, I ask, do your children know who's birthday it is we will celebrate on the 25th of December? Will they say Jesus? I encourage us all to take time to tell someone everyday until Christmas that the 25th is the birth day of Jesus!